When it comes to the rarest and cleanest XL American Pitbull Terrier production, this bad boy is your best bet for many reasons. He is Iron Cross Kennels biggest production and rarest of all pedigrees to date. If you are a Pitbull lover, you’d be happy and impressed to know that Iron Cross Stalefish has famous ancestors, including Iron Tyson and Juan Gotty.
Iron Cross Stalefish produced our first foundation bitch Iron Giant Kennels Destiny who has produced some of the best productions we have to date, including Pimpin Jack, Sapphire, and Crazy Horse just to name a few.
Ourmost muscular productions are from Stalefish who also holds the rarest original blood in our program. His last litter produced our girl Iron Giant Kennels Destiny back in 2013 and hasn’t had a litter since, now you see why he plays a big roll in our program and how exclusive he is to the world
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